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Caleb Belth

Quickshift is a plug and play solution, providing a warehouse and fulfillment services for all businesses large & small that are ready to scale. E-commerce fulfillment, Storage, Processing. Quickshift image segmentation¶ Quickshift is a relatively recent 2D image segmentation algorithm, based on an approximation of kernelized mean-shift. Therefore it belongs to the family of local mode-seeking algorithms and is applied to the 5D space consisting of color information and image location 2. Imagine seamless upshifts without using the clutch or rolling off the throttle. Sounds fun, right? Well, that’s exactly what quickshifters allow you to do, a. Easy to install. Easy on your wallet. The iQSE is the perfect choice for anyone aiming for quicker lap times, better 1/4 mile runs or simply MORE FUN!


[keɪləb bɛlθ]

Welcome! I'm a PhD candidate at the University of Michigan, where my advisor is Danai Koutra.
I am interested in how learnability, computational efficiency, and information theoretic laws help children overcome sparse data to acquire language, and what that means for linguistic theory.
My prior research has been in a different sparse data setting: graph mining. My research has contributed methods for choosing unlinked pairs of nodes to investigate further with a link prediction method or experimental study, identifying subtle patterns in networks that are too infrequent to be discovered by frequency alone, and for discovering errors and missing information in incomplete knowledge graphs. Applications of my work include anomaly detection, suspicious behavior discovery, and city/urban planning, including current projects with the City of Detroit on transportation planning.
On the side, I investigate the possible effects of data mining objective functions on user well-being.
I am grateful to have been selected for 2020-2023 NSF GRF and NDSEG fellowships. I am currently funded by the NSF GRF.
I try my best to be responsible with my research, and continually consider whether my work will be constructive or destructive to society.
Prior to Michigan, I received a B.Sc. in Computer Science from Purdue University, where I was fortunate to work with Jennifer Neville, Dan Goldwasser, and Daisuke Kihara.
Feel free to contact me at cbelth@umich.edu.
In case you are wondering, the name of this website ('quickshift') is a nod to my life-long love of road trips, driving, and cars in general.



  • A Hidden Challenge of Link Prediction: Which Pairs to Check?
    Caleb Belth, Alican Büyükçakır, Danai Koutra
    IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2020 (acceptance rate: 9.8%)
    Selected as one of the best papers at ICDM 2020. Invited for potential publication at the KAIS Journal, Springer.
    [pdf] [code]
  • Mining Persistent Activity in Continually Evolving Networks.
    Caleb Belth, Xinyi (Carol) Zheng, Danai Koutra
    ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), August 2020 (acceptance rate 17%)
    [pdf] [code]
    Also accepted for presentation at the 16th SIGKDD International Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs.
  • What is Normal, What is Strange, and What is Missing in a Knowledge Graph: Unified Characterization via Inductive Summarization.
    Caleb Belth, Xinyi (Carol) Zheng, Jilles Vreeken, Danai Koutra
    ACM The Web Conference (WWW), April 2020 (oral presentation, acceptance rate 19%)
    [pdf] [code] [video]
  • Personalized Knowledge Graph Summarization: From the Cloud to Your Pocket
    Tara Safavi, Caleb Belth, Lukas Faber, Davide Mottin, Emmanuel Muller, Danai Koutra
    IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2019 (acceptance rate: 9%)
  • When to Remember Where You Came from: Node Representation Learning in Higher-order Networks
    Caleb Belth, Fahad Kamran, Donna Tjandra, Danai Koutra
    IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), 2019 (acceptance rate: 15%)
    [pdf] [slides]
    Also accepted for presentation at the 15th SIGKDD International Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs.

Creative Content Control for mac games.

Quickshift Gentle Focus


Quickshift Transmission

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